Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy 33rd Birthday to me :)

Today is my 33rd birthday and I feel as if I still have so much to learn. I am woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and so many other things...but I'm just me. My Mom called me this morning to sing me happy birthday ( like she does every year) and she asked me if I feel and older today. I said no because I truly don't, but if I think about 33 as a number - I think holy shitacki - I'm kinda old. I mean, not old like having lots of wrinkles, but old because I look at teenagers and just think to myself "wow, they look so young". Did I look that young when I was in high school? I remember thinking that when I was a freshman that the Seniors looked so old...not only that but when I look at my yearbooks those same seniors still look old to me. How could those people still look this way to me? In many ways I still feel like I'm that freshman girl who still doesn't know nearly as much as she needs to and yet at the same time I feel wise beyond my years. In some ways I still make the same mistakes (Lord will I ever learn this lesson) and in other ways I think "I am so glad that I have learned that lesson"...all part of the big plan right? I am 33 and grateful for each and every day that I have had...and I lived through many moons. :)
The picture I am posting fits my thoughts perfectly. Sometimes I feel like I am still a child trying to be an adult...or maybe I'm an adult living with zest of life of a child. Either way, I'm good and happy.

1 comment:

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Hey! Happy belated birthday! Who knew we were so close in age? I hope you had a great one!