Monday, August 25, 2008


Today was my daughter's first day of kindergarten. I had prepared myself for this day for months. I knew it was coming...but it was difficult just the same. I woke her up, made her breakfast and helped her get ready - all the while trying not to think about it. I took her to school and we walked to her classroom...she walked through the door looked back at me and started to cry. She ran into my arms crying- which of course made me cry too. It was I having to reassure her that she was going to be fine and make new friends, while inside I was losing it. She was strong and went back into the room and talked with her teacher. I watched her put her backpack down and try to figure it out. I was so proud of her, because she is an amazing little girl. It's hard to go into a room and see where you fit's even harder to be a Mother and wonder the exact same thing. I hope that she meets lots of new friends and I hope that her sensitive little soul won't hurt to badly when some brat teases her about something (because kids are mean and always tease). All I can do is be here for her when she gets home and ask her how her day went...ask her if she made lots of new friends and if she's sad - let her know that every thing's going to be okay - even when I have the same doubts and want to be mean to that kid who hurt her feelings. *Note - there is no kid at the moment, but I know there will be one day and I hope that I'm a strong rational parent when it happens....

1 comment:

Lori said...

Ahhh I think Gracie is so cute. So brave!!! I remember being so teased then and I turned out okay:) somewhat!
You're a good mama!
Cute blog by the way!